Глазная поликлиника Леге Артис на улице Суворова

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О нас

"LegaArtis" is a leading ophthalmology center located on Suvorova Street. Thanks to cutting-edge scientific developments and the constant development of technologies, the clinic offers new opportunities in the field of ophthalmology. It is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment equipment from top global manufacturers, making it the largest ophthalmology center in the Don region. The clinic's chief doctor is Professor Nikolay Eduardovich Temirov, a well-respected member of the Russian medical community. With the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences and numerous accolades, including being a Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, a member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, and a member of the Board of Directors of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists, Dr. Temirov has been at the forefront of ophthalmology for over 25 years. Under his leadership, the Rostov Regional Ophthalmological Society has flourished. Innovative research and advanced technology have transformed the world of ophthalmology, and "LegaArtis" is proud to be at the forefront of this progress. Our dedicated team of professionals, led by Dr. Temirov, strives to provide the highest quality care for our patients, utilizing the latest techniques and equipment to ensure optimal treatment outcomes. When it comes to your vision, trust "LegaArtis" to provide you with the best possible care.


Ростов-на-Дону, улица Суворова, 39
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Восстановительная медицина
Лицо и тело
Медицина для детей
Общая медицина
Тип мед. учреждения
Ростов-на-Дону, улица Суворова, 39
Время работы
Пн-пт: 09:00—19:00; сб: 09:00—17:00
Компания в сети
Дополнительная информация
Юридическое название: ООО "Глазная Поликлиника "Леге Артис" Руководитель: Темиров Николай Эдуардович Главный врач: Николай Эдуардович Темиров Год основания: 2000

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К сожалению Леге Артис больше не работает

К сожалению Леге Артис больше не работает

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