Языковой центр Express Lingua на улице Текучева

О нас

"Express Lingua" is a language center that offers training in various popular foreign languages. The courses are divided based on the duration of study and the number of students. Whether you need to quickly learn professional slang in English related to your field or have unlimited time and want to master all aspects of the language of Great Britain, we have the perfect course for you. Our experienced teachers will work with you to create a personalized curriculum that fits your individual needs and goals. Through engaging and interactive lessons, you will not only develop your language skills but also gain a deeper understanding of the culture and customs associated with each language. At "Express Lingua", we understand that learning a new language can be challenging, which is why our small class sizes allow for individual attention and ample opportunities for practice. Our modern teaching methods combine traditional classroom instruction with the use of technology, making the learning process efficient, fun, and effective. Join us at "Express Lingua" and embark on an exciting journey to fluency in the language of your choice. Expand your horizons, open up new career opportunities, and immerse yourself in a new culture – all while developing valuable language skills. Let us help you express yourself confidently and communicate effortlessly in any global setting.


Ростов-на-Дону, улица Текучёва, 139в, 203 офис; 2 этаж
На машине, пешком или на общественном транспорте - показать как добраться
Курсы английского языка
Курсы английского языка для взрослых
Подготовка к экзаменам
Профессиональные курсы
Форма обучения
Языковые курсы
+7 (952) 587-91-55 +7 (952) 587-91 ...- показать
Ростов-на-Дону, улица Текучёва, 139в, 203 офис; 2 этаж
Время работы
Пн-пт: 07:00—21:00; сб-вс: 08:00—15:00
Компания в сети

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Express Lingua расположен по адресу Ростов-на-Дону, улица Текучёва, 139в, 203 офис; 2 этаж

Express Lingua работает по графику: Пн-пт: 07:00—21:00; сб-вс: 08:00—15:00

Средняя оценка кампании на нашем сайте: 3.0.