Яхт-клуб Marine Club на Набережной улице

Больше не работает

О нас

Marine Club Yacht Club offers you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of delicious food and refreshing drinks. Eating establishments are an integral part of the modern world for a reason. Don't want to spend your precious time cooking? It's easy - find a restaurant or cafe that suits your taste and choose a dish from the menu! But you can also share your personal opinion about the establishment by leaving a review and influence its rating. Healthy competition and passionate visitors are the two things that drive chefs to constantly improve the quality of the food they offer for our money. You can also choose a business lunch from a separate menu. All guests are welcome at 3 Naberezhnaya (Novye Lyady). The establishment is open for you Mon-Sun: 08:00 - 20:00.


Пермь, Набережная (Новые Ляды), 3, 1 этаж
На машине, пешком или на общественном транспорте - показать как добраться
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Пермь, Набережная (Новые Ляды), 3, 1 этаж
Время работы
Пн-вс: 08:00—20:00

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4.0 Нет отзывов
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К сожалению Marine club больше не работает

К сожалению Marine club больше не работает

Средняя оценка кампании на нашем сайте: 4.0.

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