Рок-бар Викинг на проспекте Карла Маркса

О нас

"Folk-bar "Viking" is a unique gathering spot for friendly get-togethers. It is a popular destination for role-players, Irish folk music enthusiasts, and those who prefer to think outside the box. The interior of the bar immediately captures the eye with its walls adorned with various horned helmets, chainmail, spears, banners, and shields. The tables and chairs are carved from heavy wood, and wagon-wheel chandeliers and stained-glass windows create an unforgettable atmosphere of medieval times. In a corner, there is a small stage where folk and rock bands frequently perform. The menu offers a diverse selection of salads, appetizers, hot dishes, and alcoholic beverages at affordable prices. Moreover, for added entertainment, the bar has a projector and screen as well as a variety of tabletop games, so you will never have a dull moment. Step into the "Viking" and experience the genuine spirit of the Middle Ages."


Омск, проспект Карла Маркса, 18/7, 3 этаж
На машине, пешком или на общественном транспорте - показать как добраться
Доставка еды
Доставка кавказской еды
Доставка фастфуда
Латиноамериканская кухня
Особенности заведения
Тип заведения
+7 (962) 058-99-28 +7 (962) 058-99 ...- показать
Омск, проспект Карла Маркса, 18/7, 3 этаж
Время работы
Пн-чт, вс: 17:00—01:00; пт-сб: 17:00—04:00

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Викинг расположен по адресу Омск, проспект Карла Маркса, 18/7, 3 этаж

Викинг работает по графику: Пн-чт, вс: 17:00—01:00; пт-сб: 17:00—04:00

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