Барабанное шоу HAMMERS

О нас

HAMMERS Drum Show is a unique event venue located in the heart of Tekstilshchiki district. This cozy place with a memorable atmosphere has become an important part of Moscow's cultural scene, leaving warm memories with everyone who has visited it. Here, you can find various performances and events of different formats that will surely leave you amazed. If you want to check out the upcoming events or have any questions about the technical specifications of the venue or its rental options, you can easily do so by visiting the website hammers-drums.ru or giving us a call. Our friendly team will be happy to assist you and provide all the necessary information. HAMMERS is not just a regular venue, it's a place where art, music, and entertainment come together to create unforgettable experiences. With its unique concept and carefully curated program, every visit to HAMMERS will be a one-of-a-kind adventure. So, come and join us at HAMMERS Drum Show for a night filled with rhythm, energy, and creativity. See you there!


Москва, Волгоградский проспект, 46/15
На машине, пешком или на общественном транспорте - показать как добраться
Организация праздников
+7 (903) 504-06-78 +7 (903) 504-06 ...- показать
Москва, Волгоградский проспект, 46/15

Отзывы о HAMMERS

4.5 2 отзыва
Респект за настрой перед забегом!))
К сожалению качество видео оставляет желать… и под конец, по моему, звук таки разошелся с картинкой, но всё равно, посмотреть можно))

Часто задаваемые вопросы

HAMMERS расположен по адресу Москва, Волгоградский проспект, 46/15

HAMMERS работает по графику:

Средняя оценка кампании на нашем сайте: 4.5 на основании 2 отзывов клиентов и пользователей.