Добро пожаловать в «Фотолабораторию призрака»! «The Ghost Photographer's Lab» - an eerie quest about the disappeared son of a photographer, who soon began to appear in his father's photographs. Players will have to find out what happened to this boy, what he wants and if there is still a chance to save him. The owner of the photo lab loved his son and his work very much. His son was a cheerful guy who loved to hang out in his father's photo lab and play with building blocks. But one day the boy disappeared. The search yielded no results, and the father had given up hope of ever seeing his child again. In the meanwhile, strange things began to happen in the lab: odd sounds, rustling, and voices of unknown origin. But the scariest part was yet to come. The silhouette of the missing boy started to appear on some of the photographs. Terrified, the photographer locked up the lab and never returned. Many years have passed, and now it's your turn to enter this abandoned lab and find out what really happened. We hope you're not too afraid of ghosts. Welcome to «The Ghost Photographer's Lab»!