"Operational cash desk "Erc ZHKH" is a government service facility located at Parkovaya street 1, Domodedovo, Moscow region, Russia. You can find its exact coordinates on the map: longitude - 37 ° 45'19.12' 'E (37.755313), latitude - 55 ° 25'23.92' 'N (55.423306). The working hours of the company are from Tuesday to Saturday, from 08:00 to 17:00 with a break from 12:00 to 13:00. "Erc ZHKH" operational cash desk also provides payment services for communal services. In the "Info" section you can find all the necessary information about the organization. A convenient location, reliable service, and comprehensive assistance make "Erc ZHKH" a go-to place for all your government service needs. Come and experience it for yourself!"